Friday, January 28, 2011

Spinal Cord/Brain/Nervous System Facts

The four spinal nerve plexi and one nerve from each plexus are:
Cervical - Phrenic nerve
Brachial - Radial nerve
Lumbar - Femoral nerve
Sacral - Sciatic nerve

The lateral ventricles are connected to the third ventricle by the right and left interventricular foramina while the third ventricle is connected to the fourth ventricle by the cerebral aquaduct
The central sulcus divides the frontal/parietal lobes.
The longitudinal fissure divides left/right hemispheres of the cerebrum.
The parietiocciptal sulcus divides parietal/occipital lobes.
The lateral fissure divides the parietal/temporal lobes.
The transverse fissure divides parietal/occipital lobes.

Many spinal tracts undergo decussation to communicate across the mid-sagittal plane.

Rostral means towards the nose.

Spinal nerves are considered mixed nerves because they consist of bundles of axons carrying sensory information as well as bundles of axons carrying motor information.

The gray matter of the spinal cord is located in the deep layers of the spinal cord and deep to the white matter.

The medulla oblongata is the portion of the brainstem most involved in control of heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate.

CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) is produced in areas known as choroid plexi.

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