Friday, January 28, 2011

Nervous Tissue

Ick, formatting did not work on this one.

Overview of the Nervous System

* Body must communicate on a cellular level
o Nervous system and endocrine system

Functions of the Nervous System

* Receive information about changes inside and outside the body
* Process this information and determine appropriate response
* Issue commands to cells to carry out the response

Hierarchical Organization of the Nervous System

* Central Nervous System
o Brain
o Spinal cord
* Peripheral Nervous System
o Sensory (afferent) division
+ Visceral sensory division
+ Somatic sensory division
o Motor (efferent) division
+ Visceral motor division (autonomic nervous system)
# Sympathetic division
# Parasympathetic division
+ Somatic motor division


* Functional unit of the nervous system
* Properties
o Excitability
o Conductivity
o Secretion of neurotransmitters
* Functional classes of neurons
o Sensory (afferent) neurons
o Interneurons (association neurons)
o Motor (efferent) neurons

Structure of a Typical Neuron

* Soma
o Organelles
o Neurofibrils
o Nissl bodies
o Inclusions (lipofuscin)
* Dendrites
* Axon
o Axon hillock
o Collaterals
o Axoplasm and axolemma
o Terminal arborization
+ Synpatic knobs

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