Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Glomerulus

The Nephron (Photo credit: http://www.unckidneycenter.org/kidneyhealthlibrary/glomerulardisease.html)
The tiny structures that do the work in your kidneys are called NEPHRONS. Each of your kidneys contains about one million nephrons. Each nephron has a small blood vessel that brings in unfiltered blood, a GLOMERULUS (glow-mare-Yule-us) that filters the blood, a tubule that caries away filtered waste materials in the urine, and a small blood vessel that returns filtered blood to the body.
From unckidneycenter.org
The Glomerulus (Photo credit: http://www.unckidneycenter.org/kidneyhealthlibrary/glomerulardisease.html)

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