Friday, January 28, 2011

Cranial Nerves




NIOlfactorySensoryOlfactory foramenSensory information for smell


NIIOpticSensoryOptic canalSensory information for sight


NIIIOculomotorMotorSuperior orbital fissureControls 4 of 6 extrinsic eye muscles


NIVTrochlearMotorSuperior orbital fissureControls superior oblique muscle of eye


NVTrigeminalMixedSuperior orbital fissureSensory and motor for head and face


Sphenoid bone


Foramen ovale


NVIAdbucensMotorSuperior orbital fissureControls lateral rectus muscle of eye


NVIIFacialMixedStylomastoid foramenSensory for anterior tongue/motor to face


NVIIIVestibulocochlearSensoryAuditory meatusVestibular branch for equilibrium


Cochlear branch for sense of hearing


NIXGlossopharyngealMixedJugular foramenSensory for taste of posterior tongue/pharynx/motor control of throat


NXVagusMixedJugular foramenSensory and motor to most major of organs


NXIAccessoryMotorJugular foramenControls muscles of head and neck


NXIIHypoglossalMotorHypoglossal canalMotor control of tongue

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