Friday, January 28, 2011

The Muscular System

Myology is the study of the muscles

There are 3 different types of muscles

Skeletal Muscle -

  • Voluntary
  • Striated
  • Skeletal muscle fiber is also a skeletal muscle cell
  • 85% is fiber, 15% striated

    Cardiac Muscle -

  • Only in heart (duh)
  • Involuntary
  • Striated
  • Made of cardiocytes - fusiform shaped

    Smooth Muscle -

  • Involuntary
  • Nonstriated - cytoskeletal is not striped
  • Made of fusiform cells called myocytes

    Functions of Muscle:
    Movement - can contract and change
    Stability - keeps the bones together
    Communication - facial expressions (smile, speak)
    Control of body openings - voluntary
    Heat production - keep body 98.6 degrees, muscle contractions (shiver - skeletal muscle)

    Properties of Muscle:
    Excitability - can work with electrical signals
    Conductivity - can conduct electricity
    Contractibility - ability to shorten
    Extensibility - some ability to stretch
    Elasticity - ability to return to original state

    General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles:
    Made of muscle fibers, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and blood vessels.
    Connective tissues:
    Endomysium - single layer collagen that surrounds the inside like a cell wall
    Perimysium and fascicles - end of each muscle cell, divided by perimysium
    Epimysium - holds all the fascicles together in a muscle
    Deep fascia
    Superficial fascia - hypodermis

    Fascicles and Muscle Shapes:
    Determines strength and direction of tension

    Fusiform muscles - fascicles nonparallel
    -Biceps brachii

    Parallel muscles
    -Rectus abdominus
    -Sartorius (allows us to cross our legs)

    Convergent muscles
    -Pectoralis major

    Pennate muscles
    -Unipennate (semimembraneous)
    -Bipennate (rectus femoris)
    -Multipennate (deltoid)

    Circular muscles
    -Orbicularis oris

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